My life as an NPC [Prologue]

In life, everyone is the hero of their own story


Although I am writing this series with gamers in mind, I realize that some non-gamers may come here as well. With that in mind, I’ll be linking gamer-specific terms to a glossary page for those that need a definition. You can find the glossary and definitions HERE if you’d like it open from the start. I will be updating the terms used as the series goes on, so be sure to check back if a new term pops up that you aren’t familiar with.

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5 gaming art books to add to your library

As gamers, we know that the love for video games as an entertainment medium extends beyond the screen. We collect figures, comics, curtains, pillows, mugs, all of the things that make a house into a gaming home. Building a library of gaming related books really helps add some flare to your home, so today I’m going to share with you five of my favorite gaming art books.

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