When No Man’s Sky was originally released in August 2016 for PS4 and PC, there was an insane amount of hype for this game. The game was released by the indie studio Hello Games and was centered around four pillars of gameplay: exploration, survival, combat, and trading.
E3 Recap: Bethesda
Not only did Bethesda make some pretty big announcements this year, they also broke out their witty sarcasm. Remarking on Walmart Canada’s inability to keep a secret and the buggy nature of their games was just the start.
New game announced from Life is Strange developers Dontnod
As part of it’s “Countdown to E3” daily reveals, Playstation unveiled a trailer for Twin Mirror today. If you’ve played the story-driven choice-based narrative of Life is Strange, you know exactly why we’re so excited about this announcement. Let’s head on back to West Virginia
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Fallout 76 Trailer Leeked
In a live stream on Tuesday Bethesda did… almost nothing. Fans were treated to a Fallout themed tribute to the Holiday Fireplace that shows up on Netflix every winter holiday. After waiting for what felt like an eternity, we finally got a glimpse at everyone’s new favorite social punching bag: Fallout 76.
Battlefield “Down Caret” Trailer Leeked!
In a live event yesterday, Dice and EA revealed to the world their plans for the next installment in the Battlefield series: Battlefield V. Since everything in the gaming industry that could be considered a press release keeps popping up as a “leak” lately, we figured we’d give you the “leeked” scoop on the new Battlefield.