Not only did Bethesda make some pretty big announcements this year, they also broke out their witty sarcasm. Remarking on Walmart Canada’s inability to keep a secret and the buggy nature of their games was just the start.
Fallout 76 Trailer Leeked
In a live stream on Tuesday Bethesda did… almost nothing. Fans were treated to a Fallout themed tribute to the Holiday Fireplace that shows up on Netflix every winter holiday. After waiting for what felt like an eternity, we finally got a glimpse at everyone’s new favorite social punching bag: Fallout 76.
Battlefield “Down Caret” Trailer Leeked!
In a live event yesterday, Dice and EA revealed to the world their plans for the next installment in the Battlefield series: Battlefield V. Since everything in the gaming industry that could be considered a press release keeps popping up as a “leak” lately, we figured we’d give you the “leeked” scoop on the new Battlefield.